Job Vacancies & Financial Support (for UK People & Businesses)| Covid-19

With the Coronavirus bringing so many industries to their knees, millions of people around the world are inevitably going to be out of work. Other industries are desperately seeking employees to deal with changing demands, so I’ve compiled a comprehensive list of vacancies (mainly in UK retail) to help make the job search a little bit easier.

I will continue to update this page as more information becomes available.
Latest Update: 30/03/2020

Jobs Vacancies

Here’s a list of some employers with current vacancies – all in one place.
You can narrow the results by adding your location to the search bar.
You can also search for jobs via S1Jobs, Glassdoor, Indeed and more.

Financial Support

Unfortunately, the UK government have provided little concise information at this difficult time. There are people in so many different positions, dealing with zero hour contracts, redundancy, self-induced quarantine or statutory sick-pay, to name a few.

I hope the following links provide some light in this dark time, but more importantly, help people get the support we desperately need over the coming months.

Screenshot from the website
The Redundancy Payments Helpline is back up and running as of 19 March 2020

Support For Businesses

My heart goes out to all the ambitious, talented and passionate business owners who, through no fault of their own, are facing the potential destruction of their livelihoods. Here’s a little advice from the government with, hopefully, much more to come.

Some good news for Scottish Businesses

If you are a business owner and have set up a support fund for your business, please leave a link in the comments.

I will continue to update and add to this page as more information and relief is brought to light. We will make it through this if we work together.

With love, peace, strength and solidarity,

Jen x
